My 1-to-1 Online Nutrition
Therapy & Coaching
This option is for a combination of skype/facetime, phone and email nutritional therapy.
As the commitment, the information given and the time spend will remain exactly the same than
for the face-to-face consultation the results will be as efficient.
Upon booking, I will get in touch with you personally to confirm your best contact details and
to arrange a time for your online consultation. Prior the initial consultation I will send you
a comprehensive health questionnaire and diet record sheet. These can be completed at your
convenience and you will need to email them back.
Your Initial consultation can be arrange online (skype/facetime or by phone) and will last 45min-1hour. This will be an opportunity for us to discuss your case history and understand what has brought you to me. Together we will set up your individualised wellness and realistic goals and we will discuss the nutrition plan. You will receive by email a personal nutrition plan based with food and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your unique requirements. If we feel that supplement is necessary at this time I will give you some recommendation.
Follow up consultation is usually scheduled according to your programme if that weight loss, medical condition, pregnancy, men’s program or sport nutrition.
You will received all the support and motivation you need during your journey and you will be able to email me anytime between two consultation.
For more information or to request your first initial consultation, please contact Amandine.